
  • Smart Grid Standardization achievements

    FINSENY has participated in the last conference on Smart Grid Standardization Achievements on Brussels, 28th January 2013. The chairmen of the three mandates M/490, M/441 and M/468 presented the results of the work of their Coordination Groups. Additionally industry stakeholder provided their point of view. Mr. Oettinger as commissioner opened the conference. There was a […]

  • SG-CG released the final working group reports

    In 2012, the SG-CG worked intensively to produce the following reports (approved by the CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards in December 2012 and by ETSI Board in January 2013): Sustainable Processes First Set of Consistent Standards Reference Architecture Investigate standards for information security and data privacy In addition, SG-CG produced a Framework Document which provides an overview of the […]

  • FINSENY Final Event was organized on 10-11 April, 2013, in Berlin

    FINSENY Final Event “Smart Energy enabled by Future Internet” was organized in co-operation with the EIT ICT Labs on 10-11 April, 2013, in Berlin. The Event was attended by more than 70 people representing the industrial and academic players and SMEs. The workshop presented the main outcomes of the FINSENY project as well as in […]